Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mama, don't let your children grow up to be engineers

Samples of dialogue I hear in my morning vanpool commute:

*Action: Van driver, aka Only Semi-Cool Engineer, flicks turn signal and accidentally turns on window wipers. They go for several wipes before he turns them off.*

Annoying Engineer #1: "Hey...why'd you turn the wipers on?"

Only Semi-Cool Engineer: "I didn't mean to."

Annoy. Eng. #1: "'s not raining or anything. Why did you turn them on?"

O. S-C. Eng: "I didn't do it on purpose."

Annoy. Eng. #1: "But why..."

Me, turning around: "He flicked them on accidentally when he put the turn signal on. Haven't you ever done that?"

Annoy Eng. #2: "Hey, last night O. S-C. Eng put them on when it was sunny, too! Why did you do that?"

O. S-C. Eng: "I was trying to turn on the AC."

Annoy. Eng. #1, highly entertained: "There's some weird cosmic wiper action happening!"

Me: *bangs head against window*

And the following shining conversation:

Annoy. Eng. #3 (yes, these are all DIFFERENT annoying engineers, because one wouldn't be bad enough): "Hey, that Middle-Eastern-looking guy got on at the KENT station today."

*van is totally silent*

Annoy. Eng. #3: "He got on at the PUYALLUP station yesterday."

*still silence*

Annoy. Eng. #3: "And he was walking up and down the platform, like he was casing the joint."

Me, unable to keep silent (which is always the case): "Maybe he has a girlfriend."

Annoy. Eng. #3: "Ummmmm..."

Me: "Or maybe he was visiting his mother."

Annoy. Eng. #3: "But he was CASING the platform. I tried to get on the same car as him, to keep an eye on him, but he avoided me, all right."

Me: *bangs head against window*

Behind me, two engineers discuss their wives:

Sympathetic Engineer #1: "So you're sure she's just having a midlife crisis?"

Stoic, yet Obviously Broken Hearted Engineer #1: "Yeah. She's living at her mom's and she's talking about some guy. She's dyed her hair blonde. She's talking about buying a Harley...with my money, of course."

Symp. Eng. #1: "But you think she'll come back..."

St. y. Obv. Br. Htd. Eng #1, suddenly brave: "Of course she will! I just have to wait it out. She'll come back."

(Sidenote: Most of the guys in my van are either divorced or married for at least the third time. Who says engineers are quick learners?)

After telling all this to my mentor, Bill, he laughed and said, "There are a few requirements before you can be an engineer. You have to be conservative, and you have to be narrow-minded, and you have to be anal, and you have to be..."

I finished it for him: "Emotionally retarded."

"Well, yes, that’s an important quality, too."

This, folks, is why kt's blog is subtitled, "i'm a gemini trapped in an engineering career. i need a creative outlet."

Amen, sister.

(And it doesn't get any better. I'm trying to get the Finance people across the hall to help me out with something, and I swear to God they howl at the moon and devour their own young.)


Kat Reinhart said...

oh my GOD, your annoying engineer stories are awesome. honestly, half the reason i am not an engineer today is because i would then have to deal with other engineers. lol. my aunt is an engineer at "b-----" as well, and when i was living with her last summer she would come home with some pretty awkward stories.

you are such an awesome woman (and so is my aunt). i really admire female engineers. i'm more the scientist type, going for a career in medical research. but still, go us! fuck larry summers! :)

Aarwenn said...

Well, thanks, sweetie!

And no matter what I think about Larry Summers, what I hate most is that every article I read about his statement is 0% fact, 100% ranting. The issue is so close to people's hearts and so multi-faceted and it's completely impossible to be objective, so everyone puts "Larry Summers" at the top of their Op-Ed piece and goes on to say nothing about him and everything about what THEY think on the issue, and I haven't yet found a piece in which the author doesn't contradict herself or himself at least three times.

Very very sensitive subject. :)

kt said...

thanks for the shout-out =)

the funny thing is that i have several women engineering friends that are very cool and we all think the same way. of course, we were also sorority sisters at an engineering school, so maybe engineering wasn't our true destination.

i think we were just smart girls who liked math and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to be engineers.

the thing that's hardest for me to cope with in the engineering field is the conservative-ness! i thought one of my coworkers was going to have an anuerism when i told him i was voting for kerry.

Aarwenn said...

Wow, I was a sorority girl, TOO! Maybe that's what makes us cool?

Although I haven't talked about politics with my co-riders on the vanpool, something tells me that if they racially profile...OPENLY...

they ain't real liberal.

ramblin' girl said...

another engineer (also was in a sorority), with luckily many cool co-workers, but my boss has stereotypical engineering qualities to make up for it!

btw, sorry to be blog-stalking, but you keep making me laugh!

Aarwenn said...

Dude. We should start a club. And kt and ramblin' girl both live in colorado! Hey, I live in a weekend warrior state, too...

but y'all's jobs sound cooler than mine. I don't entertain for work or go to job sites; I sit at a desk, and not even in a cool part of town.

And kt has it in a nutshell when she says: "i think we were just smart girls who liked math and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to be engineers."

Exactly what happened to me.