Monday, November 23, 2009

Moment of Truth

I'm in Khuraburi. It's 6 pm. I'm late for dinner. C and I are on our way to a remote jungle for two days in the morning.

And what happens?

It's moon time.

There's no TRASH in this village we're about to go to. I'll have to pack everything out.


And there's no soap.

C has some pills that her doctor gave her, just for this eventuality. They may make me crazy. They may not work at all. They may EXACERBATE the problem. C and I confer. It's the moment of truth. I roll the dice and start the pill again.

And there I am in the bathroom, hunting down a bottle of water that I can take pills with, pills I swore I'd never take again, on my way to a wooden hut in the jungle.

Me: "Dear Lord, what have I done to deserve this?"

C stands there for a moment, shocked. "Really? What HAVEN'T you done??"

1 comment:

Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...

Get a Keeper for future trips! Baby wipes can help with any, er...mess...when you dump it. :) I did a post about my love of the Keeper on Frugal Hacks: