Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blogging the Relationship (5)

"I don't get enough water," I said to the LT, as we were both desperately chugging out of my new, ADORABLE pink Nalgene to fight the special kind of dehydration caused by five days of 95-degree heat with no air conditioning and a heavy drinking schedule and tennis games and rock-climbs.

"Neither do I," he agreed. "Well, maybe I do. How much water are you supposed to drink?"

"Eight glasses a day," I returned immediately.

"No. I definitely don't get enough."

Once again, I was knocked sideways by the fact that he really didn't know how much water he was supposed to drink per day. I mean, HELLO! HOW CAN YOU IGNORE A FACT THAT HAS BEEN BLASTED AT US FROM EVERY HEALTH ARTICLE OR MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS?

It reminds me of an article I read long ago where a wife said, "I don't have penis envy. He can have it for all I care. What I'm jealous of is that my husband can COMPLETELY IGNORE the fact that the children haven't eaten anything green since the Clinton Administration!"

Reason Number #4,653 why women are their own worst enemy. Yes, we might be healthier, nutrition wise--assuming that we manage to scavenge the actual TRUTH about nutrition from the thousands of conflicting diet and nutrition books written especially for our low and getting lower all the time self-esteem--but all the stress and obsession we attach to nutrition?

Ladies, stress will kill you faster than a whole lifetime of red meat. A good lesson for us all.


Nina said...

Maggie, I like reading your blog!

You should write a book!


Aarwenn said...

Well, thank you, sweetie! As a matter of fact I AM working on a book!

Very, very slowly.