Friday, September 01, 2006

All In Love, Aglow, and Making Your Ears Bleed

Hello! I am in love, yes! I am infatuated! And my brain has begun to slowly trickle out my ears!

And by "slowly" I mean "Niagra falls".

In talking to T-Town on Gchat today, usually we chat along and occasionally we chat so fast we have that time delay happening where one of is responding to the question from three chat messages ago, so that it looks like this:

Me: I washed my hair this morning.
T-Town: Taj got into the trash this morning.
Me: Damn! How bad was the mess?
T-Town: Oh yeah? Did you use that new shampoo?
Me: Titan got into the trash the other day, spread it all over the place.
T-Town: Pretty bad. There was toilet paper involved.
Yes, I really like it.
T-Town: Wow, he hasn't done that in awhile.
Me: Yuck!
T-Town: Sweet, I'm almost out of mine.
Me: Yeah, it was my fault, I left the bag out.
T-Town: It wasn't too bad.

(Y'all know what I'm talking about.)

ANYWAY. The point is, usually we're pretty energetic with our fingers (rawr!) and today there was a lot of...nothing.

Me: OMG my boyfriend's so cute goob gush go on for ages.
Me: I think today when he arrives we're going to do this thing, and then that thing, and then that other thing.
T-Town: (drip, drip)
Me: Hello? Is this thing on?
T-Town: (in a coma)

It's bad, y'all. Everything I say, these days, immediately puts whomever I'm taking to sleep, even if they've just had a big cup of coffee, ran four miles pursued by howling wolves, and watched a Jackie Chan movie. I am the Anti-Adrenaline. I am Boredom personified. Need to relax? Don't take Xanax, take me! (Please!) (Ba-dum!)


Shananigans said...

What were you saying? I'm sorry I fell asleep.

Aarwenn said...

Everyone's a comedian. :)