Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Land of Festivals

Hey! It's a party over here! Ho! It's a party over there!

It's Labor Day Weekend, and if you're from Seattle, there's only one thing to do: leave town.

No, I'm kidding, the correct answer is, of course: go to Bumbershoot! And SkiBonkers! And hit Pike Place Market for vegan pastries! And walk and walk and walk some more and walk your dog and then go out and then entertain long-lost friends and then walk some more and pause for a Sparks break (much needed) and then walk some and stay hydrated! And then dance, space monkey, dance, and get interview for Spin magazine and see a million bands and fall asleep during a comics presentation but wake up in time to catch Wild Turkey bottles thrown by Chuck Palahniuk and stop in an air conditioned place for a glass of wine and go home and take a much needed nap.

Repeat, ad nauseam.

Help. Send Sparks.


Shananigans said...

Glad you had a good weekend. I'm kind of happy to be at the office today, easier to dry out and detox from all the abuses of the weekend. So much Miller Lite, good god...

Aarwenn said...

Who in the sam hell drinks MILLER LITE at all, let alone to excess?? Shananigans! You're a beer lover! How CAN you debase yourself like that??

Shananigans said...

At least it wasn't Bud...ewwww! Miller isn't that bad, it's made in WI after all ;)