Thursday, February 23, 2006

Aaaannnnnnnddddd...she's OUT!


Partly due to my bonus arriving today, but MAINLY due to my careful financing the last two weeks. Because even though I was very short on cash, I did several wonderful things that did NOT involve begging my mother for money.

Because when I get really short, and I've spent most of my money on hookers and blow, and therefore have no money for things like: gas, and then I get stuck at a gas station and my card keeps getting declined and I have to call my mother to come pick me up, and then she notices when she arrives that I haven't paid my tabs EITHER...

...well, that just adds insult to injury. And I mean that in the most literal way.

So, on to the wonderful things:

  • PAID BILLS FIRST. But carefully. Not so that my checks bounced, but I paid the most important ones, which avoids late charges and makes me happy.

  • BOUGHT GAS FIRST. Period, the end.

  • Did NOT rack up gigantic bills at clubs by pre-gaming at home first before going out to said clubs. (Note: if you overdo the drinking at home part, I think the DUI would completely obliterate any money you might save on Red Bull and Vodka at the club.)

  • Did NOT eat out. At all.

And I squeaked by, ladies and gentleman. It was close. But I did it. And it was a very good thing.

And now! On to paying all bills, buying plane tickets to Pittsburgh and Ghana, and, most importantly, more hookers and blow!

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