Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hhhhhaaaadddd ttttooo mmmuuucccchhhh cccaaffeeeiinnneee

Really. Way too much. Am shaking like a leaf on a tree. Just had a big old sandwich and a milk. Not helping yet. Hoping I will calm down soon.

In the meantime, here is some thoughts on yesterday's post.

First, the wise and all-knowing Waiter had this to say:

"Very interesting. You are, however, looking at it from a classic Einsteinain point of view. If you bring quantum physics into the mix, where particles can exist and not exist at the same time, be in two places simultaneously, or change properties by the very act of your looking at it, things get crazy.

Regarding reincarnation, matter cannot be created or destroyed, it is constantly recycled, (We are all made of stardust ad nauseam) so every part of us came from some previous corporeal or energetic form. That happens in the steady flow of time. It is indisputable. You eat some chicken and that chicken becomes part of you. And, since matter and energy are the same (E=mc2) it follows that energies, souls, might travel from one corporeal from to the other. Maybe. Who knows?

Also, Einstein said we could travel forward in time, just not backwards. But some scientists think it possible with wormholes, black holes, etc."

And my reply:

"Hmmmm. I like the example of eating chicken, but that doesn't necessarily prove the flow of time. If time is recreated moment to moment, then there's no flow. Yes, the world that was condensed from the big bang started with a certain amount of matter that cannot be created or destroyed, but the idea of time as a point takes care of flow--time is really a series of points unconnected to each other, not a river. In one moment, a chicken is a chicken, in the next moment, it's a carcass, in the next moment, it's a part of me. That's not proof of flow, that's simply snapshots in time in which some matter changes form each time. Quantum physics proves this, actually, because quantum particles aren't sensitive to cause and effect. Therefore, the notion of cause and effect is really out-dated. The aforementioned snapshots in time don't have to go in order. Chicken could be a part of me one moment, still in the egg the next moment, and alive the moment after that. No flow needed. That, to me, is sort of a macro view of quantum physics--us looking at a chicken immediately changes the nature of matter. There's no sequence of events needed: just looking a chicken one moment means the next moment, it's in our stomachs, a part of us. The intervening sequence that we see, as three-dimensional beings, doesn't exist on the quantum level--it's an immediate change in the particles that happen to be forming a chicken at the moment simply because we observed them. Not because we immediately look at a live chicken and think, oh, I must eat that, but that some seminal human once looked at some seminal chicken, and because of that meeting all these moments in the life of a chicken--egg, alive, carcass, part of us--randomly float as quantum moments.

But still, there's really no cause and effect. I think of it as: everything that has happened, has ALREADY happened. We as humans need sequence, and so we live time sequentially through moments that effect each other, but that's not really what happened on the astral plane. Every thing that can happen and the coordinating particle state is waiting, floating, sort of dormant, for us to live through. I'm not being very clear, but I hope you can see what I'm getting at.

I don't think the fact that matter and energy are the same disagrees with this notion at all. Clearly, in quantum physics, matter and energy ARE the same. This is what allows quantum particles--points with no dimension, in time or space--to exist existentially, with no sequence or cause and effect. They are everywhere and nowhere at once, everytime and notime."

The always wise Quatoes pointed out in a comment:

"Though reincarnation... yeah our souls could be everywhen at once, but does that not mean your soul couldn't be doing multiple things at once? The lifetime of a soul compared to a physical body would have to be different, and walking 'linearly' in time for a soul, might just include more than one body couldn't it?"

And he's definitely right. Quantum particles aren't subject to cause and effect, nor are they bound by time or space. They can even be in two--or possibly an infinite number--of places at once! So "reincarnation", as we think of it sequentially, could certainly happen, with your soul occupying several bodies at once, in all different times.

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