Monday, December 26, 2005

If I post every six days, is that enough?

Things I HAVE done since the last post:

1. Sent out 25 Christmas cards.
2. Gone skiing.
3. Talked to kt on the phone.
And made plans to hang out! She's in Tacoma!
4. Finished re-organizing bookshelf. Woo!
5. Had a great conversation with CAE.
6. Worked 35 hours in three days.

Things I have NOT done:
Called Houseguest.
2. Done laundry.
Clarification: I did a load of dark--sheets, underwear, workout clothes. They never got put away. They are still in a pile on my bed. Yes: the sheets that need to go ON my bed are in a clean (and getting dirtier by the second--thank you, dog hair) pile ON TOP OF my bed. I'm sleeping on my mattress pad with no covers on my pillows.
3. Cleaned the house.
4. Burned any Christmas CDs.
This is, for obvious reasons, now off the list.
5. Done anything, Ebay or otherwise, with any old toys whatsoever.

Woo! Vacation! That is all.


Froggylady said...

Hey, at least you did all of the fun things. I think I would feel the need to slap you if the lists were reversed. No really.

Aarwenn said...

kat--I think so, too. AND I'm going skiing on Friday, too! WOO!

Anonymous said...

I used to believe Aarwenn would rate her calling me far more fun an activity than reorganizing her bookshelf. It’s obvious that I had underestimated the power that the Dewey Decimal system holds over her. I’m warmed by the consolation that I beat out toy play! :P