Wednesday, August 03, 2005

New Profile!

Just thought I'd point it out. I do have a new roommate, and he seems pretty damn cool.

Yes, of COURSE I'll update you when it all goes to hell in two months. :)


Sherri said...

He?? He?? Are you single? Is this a formula for disaster?

Sorry....I just don't know if I could handle a really cool guy roommate unless he was gay. :)

ramblin' girl said...

excellent! hope everything works out!

The World Against Me said...

Roommate with Benefits!

As described in craigslist ^_^

Susan said...

Nice! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works out!

Anonymous said...

You know I have to ask...

Is he hot?

Shananigans said...

I sure hope he hasn't just moved out of his parents’ house. I know a few too many people that have had to teach their new roomies the basic concepts of dishwashing, laundry, what a vacuum is and exactly how it works. But I'm sure yours is a saint. And of course we need the following stats on this guy: Hotness factor? Sexual orientation? Relationship status? What kind of car does he drive?

Good luck!

Aarwenn said...

Hey everyone, thanks for your concern! I wrote y'all a whole goddamn post because y'all inspired me. (Yes, I've just been visiting the South.) And on another note entirely, Hi, Ms. Pan! Long time, no blog! Oh, and thanks to RG and Glitter for being the eternal optmists in the group. :)