Tuesday, March 14, 2006

SheWalks has said all that I want to say.

Click the title for the link to her post.

I do not have a boyfriend--in fact, I've worked hard to be single--but the same principle applies. Only More So. Because I don't have ONE boy in my life that can be offended; I have SEVERAL.

In fact, I've just offended one already. (Hi, J!)

The interesting thing is that only one of them, currently, has my blog address. Which seems sort of unfair, both to the other boys, and unfair especially for J. I wouldn't discuss my dating life with him verbally, but if I make the decision to talk about my dating life (and believe me, I haven't done much else lately) on the blog, then I might as well be talking about to him, right? He could choose to not read, and for his sake, I hope he does. (Full disclosure: he and I haven't talked about this.)

But forget him for the moment: what if I don't really want to talk about my dating life ANYWAY? It's private, right? Or entertainment for only myself and a few close friends? I really like the boys I know and don't want them to become objects of ridicule, because I'm worried that if this leaks out then the gravy train may stop, and that would suck because I'm having the time of my life!

Which is why I WANT to talk about it. My life is great, and the wonderful boys I know have made it so, and so I naturally want to share. Hi, boys! You've made my life better!

For example, I'm kept in fresh flowers daily by a lovely boy who, when I left my coffee mug at his house, returned it to me with a fresh daffodil living in it. And then the daffodil died, and he came over to my house in the middle of the night with a) a fresh rose to take the place of the daffodil, and b) a fifth of Jameson.
There's the sushi dinner. The leftovers of which made an excellent Sunday-morning-before-choir breakfast.

There's the leftovers I'm eating right now: sweet marinated ribs, twice-baked potatoes, and salad. Made for me by a boy whose home-cooked dinner I had to SKIP because my BOSS CALLED ME IN, and I got to take the leftovers home anyway!

There was the comedy club.

There was the time that I was having trouble getting comfortable on the couch with my wrecked knee in the stabilizer (keep in mind that I had a stabilizer on for ALL of the above) and the boy stretched me out so I could take full advantage of the couch and sat on the floor by my head instead, so we could talk. Adorable.

There was the hiking. Oh, God, the hiking. A perfect perfect perfect day.

So, yes, this is me. I am dating. I love men. I watch CSI, I buy Girl Scout Cookies, I have not been to the gym in almost two weeks. I hang with my dog. It's a good life.

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