Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Warning: This post is not funny.

Hello. It is Tuesday. It is freakin' gray outside. And cold. I am underdressed for the weather. I have let the idea of having SOME disposable income go to my head--because I'm not so broke that I'm begging on the streets this week--and I have eaten out twice this week already.

I have just endured a lunch with my coworkers, in which I had to listen to my "mentor" talk about how his wife demanded they "get rid of" the first dog they owned, a beagle, because it "howled all the time", and how now they've got a mix of a black Lab and pit bull that they--get this--PAID MONEY FOR FROM A "BREEDER".

I will not go into the ridiculousness of buying a mixed breed puppy. (Apparently, the adoption agencies around them were full of "older dogs".)

Nor will I mention that this is a couple who went through five years of fertility treatments instead of adopting, because adoption vs. fertility vs. the hopelessness and despair that can face couples who want to breed but can't, when 13 year olds can, is a deep, flawed, and intricate subject, and certainly not anything that can be approached by me with my complete lack of experience.

But it does seem to be a similar mindset.

Anyway. And who knows if I wouldn't do the exact same thing under similar circumstances. (I don't know, it just never occurred to me to BUY a dog.) Adopt one! Please! But I digress.

I do that.

One of my coworkers asked me if this [veganism] was a religion thing or if I was just being weird.

A security guard yelled at me this morning for walking through an open gate--it was OPEN.

Titan barked at and jumped up on a stranger leaving the apartment building and I'm worried there will be serious repercussions.

My laptop battery is being recalled by Dell after they've had six explosion reports confirmed and dozens more rumored.

I was attacked by three mosquitoes this morning and had to finally kill them all. In my car. While driving.

(And I wonder why no one will ride with me.)

Lotion jumped out of the dispenser this morning and landed on my pink cardian.

And finally, last night, my bathroom fell apart on me.

Send wine.


T-town Girl said...

I actually take issue with being against buying a dog. I appreciate the service that people who adopt dogs are doing for the world of urban animals but I don’t think it is wrong to buy a dog from a humane breeder. I got my dog from a ranch. The bread their dogs to get more working dogs and then sold the ones with the weakest herding instincts off to people like me who wanted them for pets.
Buying a dog this way assured me that he had never been mistreated and would not have and lingering behavior problems from abuse or neglect. That is very important to me so while (I will say it again) I appreciate the service that people who adopt dogs do for the world, that is not a choice I wish to make and I do not think that I should be looked down on for that. If I wanted a mixed breed because they have less heath problems I would probably do the same thing your co-worker did, and buy one as a puppy.

Aarwenn said...

I know, and I know that you and I disagree about this. I'm happy we can agree to disagree. And just because getting a dog from a shelter is easy for me--an easy choice to make--doesn't mean it's as easy for everyone else. Happy we're friends.

On another note, holy new email address, Batgirl!

T-town Girl said...

Yeah, I got one just for the bolg that I never post to. Snazzy huh?

Shananigans said...

If I wanted a mixed breed because they have less heath problems

Ummm, I don’t know where you’re getting your health information from, but that’s not necessarily true. Most of the BS out there about “hybrid vigor” is made up by mutt breeders, oh excuse me, “designer” breeders to hawk their puggles or yorki-poos or labradoodles or taco terriers or whatever other mutt du jour is being toted around by celebrities this week.

I will admit I am one mean judgmental bitch when it comes to this stuff. I’m sure there are responsible breeders out there that are breeding say, actual working herding dogs, who need to get homes for the dogs that don’t make the herding cut. Fine. That would fulfill a very small percentage of the demand for pet dogs. The rest are coming from puppy mills, backyard breeders, and are subsequently being dumped in shelters where they’re being put to sleep because no one wants a dog that’s damaged goods.

OK, I’m done ranting. I don’t hate you, I just disagree.

Candi said...

"One of my coworkers asked me if this [veganism] was a religion thing or if I was just being weird."

LOL! That's actually funny! I did not expect that ending when reading that sentence of yours! :P Your co-workers are good for a laugh.

I feel awful that your day went so badly. :( *hands glass of wine* You need a bubble bath with that wine! LT!!!! Come pamper her!!! Lol!