Thursday, May 26, 2005

What happens when "work" tries to "par-tay"

Cinco De Mayo at B-----. Note the extreme sadness of the plate, the lone avocado behind it, and the multiple reports it rests on. 

But when your life normally looks like this: 

...then you might think Cinco De Mayo is Pretty Damn Exciting.

Until, of course, you see where Laurie works (scroll down) and then you just want to claw your own eyes out. Sigh.


Shananigans said...

I used to have one of them downtown LA views from my office, and trust me it's not all that. Between the June gloom depressing gray and the summer smog season that just makes you wanna gag, you wish maybe you didn't have such a clear view of LA. Sorry if I sound jaded but I really hated working downtown. Maybe it was the crappy job, or the commute, or the homeless people, or smog. I'm just sayin'.

Aarwenn said...


Really, just sunshine and storefronts would be nice--I don't need the view, I need a Starbucks within walking distance!