Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Hawt Boots Are HAWT

And awfully practical in the rainy weather that deluged Houseguest and I over the weekend. Pictures of me modeling them are coming soon.

In other news, assuming you want to buy a condo, and assuming you know where Kirkland, Washington, is, and assuming you want to buy a condo there, and assuming you checked out a rental site, and found this condo, and then you checked the bathroom shot...

Would you be more or less likely to buy the condo? :)

And in spite of The Crazy taking me over yesterday with Chicago Aerospace Engineer (I swear, it was like The Exorcist), it's not like I don't have other boys. That send me gorgeous flowers. That are waiting on my doorstep when I come home after a long day, so that I practically burst into tears.

Which is just another reason why it's important for us girls to have Options.


T-town Girl said...

Less likely. 100%

ramblin' girl said...

that's funny! um, where do I find a guy that will send me flowers?

Aarwenn said...

I can tell you how I did it, but it's not easily copiable.

Step 1: Meet an engineer that also happens to be rather suave, and is old enough to shun the butterflies that are attracted to his suavity and general presence in L.A. and go for girls that are attracted to his engineering side.

Step 2: Fall in love at first sight. Then, through circumstances beyond your control, make him wait 2.5 years.

Step 3: Offer to him the chance to fly up to see you.

Step 4: Reap the rewards.

Repeat Step 4 if necessary.

ramblin' girl said...

hmmm, know no suave engineers, just ones who think they are...

Aarwenn said...

I SAID it wasn't easily copiable. :)

And my suave engineer is less suave than he thinks he is, as all men are. But women forgive them for that all the time.

Aarwenn said...

well, ms. pan, individual mileage of cultivating engineers may vary. Remember that dewey in toronto had a terrible time with hers. But it's always worked well for me. :)